If you've been intending to sign up for the
February Retreat, you might want to rush on over and register--most classes are almost filled, as is the Center! I'm thrilled with the response, and so pleased that there are so many returnees. It's going to be a really wonderful, creative respite after the hustle-bustle holiday season.

With the weather keeping me inside most of the past couple of days (crazy sun, rain, sun, hail, rain, sun, etc, etc. here in northern CA), I've been playing around with my
Iphone photo app a little. Who knew?! (Probably everyone but me...) And aren't those cool ribbons? They just may end up somewhere in the gifties that I'm making for the journeyers. Hmmm....

This is my favorite corner in my family room, with flea-market dresser, vintage chair, and yes, that's one of
Stephanie Lee's art pieces on the wall. LOVE her work! She'll be teaching here in February as well--lucky us!

Max is also using the weather as an excuse to hunker down and get cozy. Smart cat, that one!
Can't wait for the next Feb session to happen! It is getting me through the hard Holiday season. See ya soon... Lori B.
SO excited to go back to Artful Journey!!! Wishing you the loveliest of Thanksgivings and I am seriously counting down the sleeps until I see you again!
Love, D. xoxo
Those iphone apps are very cool! After seeing those wonderful little fabric bits you are working on, I can only imagine how great the packages will look with some of those ribbons too!
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