I randomly picked a book off my shelf the other day (although I don't believe in accidents) and it turned out to be "
12 Secrets of highly creative women" by Gail McMeekin. It's been on my shelf for years, but I've not really paid attention until now. I've been working my way back to my creative self, and there are some really thought-provoking passages in there. One of the chapters talks about our 'saboteurs' or inner critics, and this is pretty much what mine looks like. He's not a pleasant fellow at all. He's opinionated, bossy, and just plain nasty at times. He expects perfection, is judgmental, and he doesn't like criticism one bit. Since he lives with me, I decided to do some sleuthing and find out more about him, and what makes him tick.

Now that I understand his inner workings a bit more, I'm standing up to him instead of shooing him away and pretending he doesn't exist. I'm on to him now, and I'm taking my power back. I can now hear him out, thank him for his opinion, and then go on my merry way.

Once in awhile he has a good point, but mostly it's clear that he's just got his own issues. Biggest learning:
It's not about me. Now that's powerful!
My goal is to end up living here, and I'm getting there, one step at a time. How about you?
I called the mayor of Harmony and they are expecting you.
I've got that book too! And I haven't read it . . . it's in a pile of books I need to read. Maybe this winter I'll finally get to it!
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