Only three more days until registration opens for the Feb. 2011 retreat! This all-inclusive retreat will take place from Feb. 17-21, with a maximum of 90 students. If you're planning on joining us, I suggest you register early as I expect some classes to fill quickly, especially since I've reduced the sizes. I am so excited for this one--it feels like a real winner already, with such a wild range of creative instructors. Do read the class descriptions carefully and check out the instructors' blogs so you know exactly what type of treat you're in for.
Orly Avineri's class focuses on nature journaling, and is sure to touch your soul in the deepest places. 

Stephanie Lee will take you on a whirlwind ride exploring the many possibilities of using plaster in various art forms. 
Nina Bagley is sharing her latest jewelry-making techniques with you, this time incorporating crocheting and fabric hearts in her pieces.

Nina Bagley is sharing her latest jewelry-making techniques with you, this time incorporating crocheting and fabric hearts in her pieces.

Albie Smith will share her wealth of knowledge in creating original papers of your design, which you'll then bind into a book of your choosing.

And Jesse Reno will open up a wellspring of creativity you didn't know existed in you, with his fearless painting class.

Registration begins this Tuesday, August 10, at 9am Pacific time. Registration is online only, and spots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. I hope to see you there!
ps--if you'd like to see photos of the recent Journey retreat last month, head on over to my Flickr page. We had an awesome time!
See you in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm staying home from work to be sure i get a spot in a class!! it's Artful Journey 2011 or BUST!!
You host great retreats Cindy =-)
I didn't leave the house either! Just in case...I could not risk not being at my computer! SO excited to see everybody again! xox
I am so excited to be joining everyone again! I was challenged with the great choices, but I did what you said, I followed my heart...
Can't wait to see everyone again!
Hi, hope it's OK to contact you here. We would love to include your blog on our giveaway search engine: Giveaway Scout (http://www.giveawayscout.com). Have a look and if interested, use our online form to add your blog (http://www.giveawayscout.com/addblog/ ). thanks, Joshé
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