Friday, April 2, 2010

Keeping it simple...

Life's been showing up over and over again here lately. It's a reminder to stay focused on what's really important.

Being still and appreciating nature and all its miracles...

Being grateful for what I have, and for those around me...

And most importantly, loving and being loved...

Staying in gratitude is what keeps me grounded when everything around me is in turmoil.

(update 6.10--just found out that these bunnies were made by Olivia Thomas of Olive Rose!)
On another topic, I'm sure most of you have bunnies on your mind right now (saw these at a local shop), but I've been suffering from MOD lately (Molly Obsessive Disorder). If you haven't heard about Molly, the most famous barn owl, go here and check it out--NOW! Such a gift to be able to watch Molly, McGee and their 4 growing owlets. Lots of drama in the wild kingdom!

I grabbed this pic off the livestream at night, so it's the infrared camera being used. If you check it out during the day, you'll see her in all her golden glory. It's well worth a visit, but be forewarned--it's 'owl'dictive. Enjoy!

1 comment:

chrissy said...

hi dear cindy...
just popping in to say hi and see what your always busy hands are up to.
these babies (the real ones..) are precious. those lips on that one little angel. Mmmmm! how do you not just kiss em all the time!
i actually haven.t heard of dear mrs. owl and her brood i am on my way to check myself in to the wild kingdom right now. my kiddos will love that. thanks for the tip.
im still reveling in the wonder that i felt at AN ARTFUL JOURNEY.
you are amazing.
thank you!