And then the numbers: 5, 20, 90
# of countries, # of states, # of people signed up for An Artful Journey Retreat next February.
With registration open just over two weeks, the retreat is already close to filling. My heart is full.
Still time to sign up if you would like to join us! It's going to be an amazing gathering, that I KNOW for sure. All the info is on the website...
Go take a look...there on the right.
How am I going to manage 8 months of excitement and anticipation I wonder.
Hi Cindy! I just published a post on my blog about attending the retreat. :-)
I am always delighted to find others who are passionate about their "one wild and precious life."
The Presentation Center for the Artful Journey Retreats looks incredible: eco-friendly, pueblo, and so close to San Francisco. My son and his wife visited San Francisco fairly recently and told me it was on their "must visit again" list (we all live in Ontario, Canada).
The setting for your retreat may be tranquil, but I have a little trouble imagining those instructors and 100 happy attending artists being anything less than wildly creative!
I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
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