Preparations for the Journey are in full swing (I'd share the details, but it's all hush-hush) I've been up to my eyeballs in fabric, threads, vintage papers, and other delightful things. I'm having so much fun preparing for the first Artful Journey retreat next month~the Center is full and we've got a great group coming from all over the US and as far away as the UK and Australia. Can't wait to greet them all as they embark on their own creative journey!

Although the Center is full and registration closes on Feb. 1, there are still spaces in all of the classes for the
July retreat! After working on this one, I'm growing more and more excited for the next one--with the five instructors I have lined up, it's going to be another great event. And there's really something for everybody. If you're interested, sign up soon--I expect that this one will also fill as we get closer to the summer. Whaaa? Summer already? Yup, that's how quickly time is flying around here...
What would I do without my helpers?!

And because I'm in a quirky kind of mood today (might be the cold meds), I'm going to offer a free gift to the person who comes closest to guessing what this is below (we already know they're feet, but where'd they come from, and what are they doing?)

Just leave a comment with your best guess. I know, it's not easy! But someone will get some cool vintage papers and other provisions thrown in (be sure and leave your email addy so I can contact you). If nobody comes close, I'll just choose the most creative reply! I can't wait to hear what you come up with. Oh, and let's make the deadline next Friday, Feb. 5. Good!