I really loved this 'pile of pigs', but couldn't afford the whole gang. And I just didn't have the heart to separate them, so they'll just have to hang out there for the time-being. (That little one on top is such a momma's boy--he squeals whenever she even hints that she might need a few minutes alone!)

And this nice-looking dude was prowling around on his own, looking for new digs. He seemed decent enough, and a bit lonely, so I offered to bring him home and let him live in my little vegetable garden. He seems content with his surroundings, but he's on the lookout for a mate. It could be awhile though... (Just between you and me, he's not as hot as he thinks he is--plus, he's very moody. Who knew?)
And then there's Max...the cat that adopted me three weeks ago (scroll down to read his story). It was easy-going at first, but that all changed a ten days ago. He got very sick and I was at the vet's almost every day this past week for fluids, tests, xrays, etc. After I spent a small fortune and every test came back negative, he had a miraculous recovery! Seriously, two days ago (right after some expensive tests) he just snapped right out of it. I don't know what the moral to this story is (get 2nd opinions? wait longer for testing?) but it doesn't matter anymore. I'm thankful he's healthy and happy now, and VERY grateful that I wasn't forced to make a decision about whether or not I could afford to keep him. So, so grateful...
And Piper is happy too because now she has someone else to play games with! Here she is teaching him how to play a matching game. Max is a fast learner, so I expect they'll be having chess matches before too long. Piper's birthday is today (3 years young), so having Max back to his old self is the best gift ever!