Sunday, May 31, 2009

I See Dead People

OK, so this post doesn't have much (actually, nothing) to do with the retreats or workshops, but I just had to share these photos that I took when Stephanie and I made yet another trek to Scrap. We ended up sorta kinda lost, but what a great place to get lost in!

The dead guy is actually a theater prop, as is the statuary...AND these were 'drive-by' shootings ala DJ Pettitt, so I'm going to blame my new obsession on her...

This guy was on a street corner with his 'idea' sign--we couldn't figure out if he was selling ideas or wanting to buy ideas to plant on his farm. I had a bunch of ideas that I was willing to part with, but the light was green and I couldn't figure out how to stop--next time!
Hope you're taking some time out for being silly and playful--nothing beats a good laugh!

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