In addition to Richard Salley and Katie Kendrick (who were highlighted in my last post), DJ Pettitt and Stephanie Lee are also joining us (there are only a couple of spots left in each of their classes). This will be DJ's last workshop stateside (sniff, sniff), so if you've been wanting to take a class in-person with her, here's your chance! I'm actually very, very happy for her that she'll be spending more time at home with her darling hubby and four-legged kids, focusing on products and online workshops. Take a look at her newly revamped website--and be prepared to spend some time gazing at all the eye candy. Fabulous photos!

DJ will be teaching Synergy of Forms, developed especially for An Artful Journey. In her words, "Using fluid acrylics, water-soluble pencils, tissues, and other mediums, I'll teach you how to meld the illustrative, abstract look with the more traditional art forms." DJ's work is so unique, and she's a fantastic instructor. This class is suited for all levels—she's a very generous, patient instructor, and is committed to seeing that each of her students get the attention they need and deserve. This is one class you won't want to miss--just three spots left! Check out the full description, more photos and supply list here.
If working with metal is more up your alley, then take a look at Stephanie Lee's class, Foundology! She's a master at metal-smithing, creating phenomenal jewelry and objects. As she explains, "With just a few basic tools strapped to our belts, we’ll don our expedition gear as we set out to bend, hammer, form, solder and explore various techniques in working with metal to unearth a soldered metal box and jewelry to go in it." I've had the pleasure of taking a class with Stephanie, and even though I'd never worked with metal, I had a blast--what a great instructor! She does great demos, explains everything very clearly, and is then on hand to assist each attendee with their work. Plus, she's funny and fun, and authentic--a rare gem, that one. Her class is almost full, with just two spots available, so hurry on over and check it out here.

And don't forget Richard Sally's class, where he'll be using cold-connection techniques to create fabulously innovative jewelry using common and not-so-common objects! (buffalo tooth, anyone?)

In Katie's class, you'll be working with fabric, paper, journaling, hand-stitching, embellishing, surface design, and more. Lots of opportunities for creative expression here!

Three days/four nights of creative bliss on a on a serene mountain top, spending the entire time with one instructor; all meals, snacks and goodies included; classrooms that are open 24-7; and the fellowship of kindred spirits--what could possibly be better? I am SO looking forward to it—would love it if you can join us! Have a great day!!
ps--if you hope to stay onsite, don't wait too long as I can't guarantee there will be space available for much longer...