And there were more goodies to be had at the Alameda earlier this month, where it's just as much fun to people-watch as it is to hunt for stuff. The only problem is that I spend so much of my time scanning for hidden treasures, that I forget to look up! I was talking to a friend the other night and we were saying how hard it is to meet up with people we know there because we're always searching the aisles; the only time we actually 'see' someone we know is when we're grabbing for the same thing...lol!

Char, Stephanie, Lorri and I managed to finagle seats at this fabulous table (check out those embroidered chair seats!); we were happy to show folks what a great dining experience they could have if they purchased it. The owner was very grateful for our sales pitch, and even had a taker as we were leaving.
Actually, getting a seat anywhere is quite a coup—Stephanie and I have been known to just plop ourselves down on the ground and stare at feet going by while we much on our sausage dogs. So this really was fine dining, all things considered.
I didn't take as many pictures this last time—wish I had though. I always come home so inspired by the creative souls that show up. It's just a feast for the eyes. This gal on the right is there every month, always smiling, always looking fabulous. Just look at that hat and purse she made—heck, she probably made every item she's wearing! I told her that I want to be her when I grow up. Really, I do. I'd better start practicing soon though...

And these tights are just a hoot, aren't they? Now you know what to do with all those jars of buttons you've been amassing. Not sure I could get away with that, but it does give me ideas! What are your favorite finds at your local flea market? I'd love to hear about them!

All this gathering and sorting, plotting and planning for the upcoming retreat is just a blast. This is the part I love--cooking up all the fun stuff and envisioning all of us up there, just soaking up the creative energy. There's still room for you if you'd like to join us! Everyone who attended the Feb. retreat really loved the setting; the 3-days with one instructor; the small size; and the camaraderie that was created. With Stephanie Lee, Katie Kendrick, Judy Wise, Richard Salley and DJ Pettitt teaching, I'm certain that it will be equally as magical. They designed their classes especially for An Artful Journey, so check them out! More soon...