I've been under a mountain of yucky 'life stuff' lately, and haven't had nearly enough time to just play! So when
Stephanie suggested we take the day off and go into San Francisco to check out
scrap, I jumped at it. We knew we hit the jackpot when we found ourselves in an industrial area, down an alleyway, and surrounded by graffiti and cyclone fences! Look at that smile on Stephanie's face as we got out of the car!

I lost track of how many hours we spent in there, but it sure was worth it--we loaded our bags with fabric bits, paper treasures for collage, trims, metal pieces, and other junk...er, I mean, treasures. You fill your bags, go to the register, and the guy looks it all over and tells you the price. To me, he said "seven"--and I replied, "Seven what? Dollars? That's it?!" I got such a great deal that I donated a little extra, which they really appreciate. It's a fun outing, and the stock changes daily, so check it out when you're in town!

And an update on the Day Journeys--DJ's class is now filled, but email me if you'd like to be put on the waiting list. And registration is now open for Katie's and Judy's classes in July--there are still some spots left, so check it the descriptions on the
website and consider joining us!
OK, I'm off to go figure out how the heck we're approaching the end of March--where'd the first couple months of the year go? Anybody see them? Between that, and the recent time change, I feel like the weeks and months are whizzing by...and I don't like it. I'm going to work on slowing things down for a bit. Yeh, right.